Amethyst Bed 1.9kg


Amethyst Bed 1.9kg

1 in stock


Amethyst is a very powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration.  It can help to overcome addictions and blockages of all kinds.  Used at a higher level, Amethyst opens to another reality.  Extremely beneficial to the mind, calming or stimulating as appropriate.  This stone facilitates the decision-making process, bringing in common sense and spiritual insights, putting decisions and insights into practice.  It is helpful where insomnia is caused by an overactive mind and protects against recurring nightmares.  It can help you to remember and understand dreams and facilitates the visualization process.  Amethyst balances out highs and lows, promoting emotional centering.  It opens intuition and enhances psychic gifts.  An excellent stone for meditating or scrying.


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